Wednesday, February 27, 2013

This Friday TXCW Presenet Vons Erichs Memoiral Cup Tag Team Tournament

03/01/2013 Whitesboro Texas 

TXCW Presenet "Vons Erichs Memorial Cup Tag Team Tournament"

The Grand Slam Building
A One Night 8-Tag Team Tournament For The Vons Erichs Memorial Cup & Vacate TXCW World Tag Team Title Belts
1.Match: Rick Martel & "Simply Rashving" Vs Super Nova & Rey Mysterio 

2.Match: Dusty Rhodes & Barry Windham Vs Dolph Ziggler & Albertio Del Rio 

3.Match: Dean Makeino & Brian Pillman Vs Jeff Jarrett & AJ Styles

4.Match: The Godwinds Vs The Road Warriors 
Non Touramenent Match
Main Event
For The TXCW World Heavyweight Championship Match
"The Incon" Sting (C) Vs  "Rated R Superstar" Edge

"Title Shot Vs Career Match"
Matt Morgan Vs Buddy Jack Roberts 

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