Tuesday, February 5, 2013

02/04/2013 Whitesboro Texas TXCW At The Grand Slam Building Result

02/03/2013 Whitesboro Texas  TXCW At The Grand Slam Building [9,700]
1.Match: Tony Atlas Beat TXCW World TV Champion Randy Savage To Winner The Title

2.Match: Rick Martel & Rory Defeated The Road Warriors In A Qufiy Match For The Up Coming Vons Erichs Memorial Cup Tournament 

3.Match: R Truth & Ejiah Burke Beat Bruno Sammartio & John Cena In A Qufiy Match For The Up Coming Von Erichs Memorial Cup Toiurnament

4.Match: TXCW US Champion Michael Cross Beat  TXCW Intercontnental Champion Mike Foxx & Rikish In A 3 Way Match

5.Match: "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash Beat Abduallh The Butcher

6.Match: Melina Won A Woman Battle Royal

7.Match: Hunico Defeated Rey Mysterio

8 Match: WWE Tag Team Champion The Godwinds Battle Tito Santana & Rudy Boy Gonzales

9 Match: WWE World Champion Vader Beat Sting

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