Tuesday, January 1, 2013

12/31/2012 Whitesboro Texas TXCW At The Grand Slam Building

12/31/2012 Whitesboro Texas  TXCW Total Xtreme Championship Wrestling At The Grand Slam Building  12,2500 Fans
1.Match: NWA National Heavyweight Champion Barry Windham Beat Rikish

2.Match: Shetion Benjiminl & Kevin Randman Beat "Sexy" Andy &  Dr Fear

3 Match: Steve Austin & Super Nova Beat Eddie Gilbert & Abduallh The Butcher

4.Match TXCW World TV Champion Arn Anderson Defeated Billy Two Eagle

5 Match: Paul Bischill Beat Kurt Angle

6.Match: Bree Ann & Alica Foxx Defeated Melina & Layla

7 Match: NWA World Heavyweight Champion Kahagas Defeated Randy Orton

8 Match: Randy Savages & Uitlmare Warrior Defeatd Bastia & Rob Terry By DQ

9 Match: NWA Texoma Ladies Rose Champion Barbi Hayden Beat Tara

10 Match: NWA World Junior Champion Chase Ownes  Beat Brandon Starr

11 Match: TXCW World Tag Team Champion Long Riders Defeated Brian Pillman & Dean Makenio

12 Match: Triple H & Eddie Guerrero Beat Cactus Jack  & Sabu

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