Friday, December 28, 2012

12/27/2012 Whitesboro Texas TXCW At The Grand Slam Building

12/27/2012 Whitesboro Texas  Total Xtreme Championship Wrestling At The Grand Slam Building [1,300 Fans] [$9,100 Fans]
A One Night 8-Man Tournament For The Vacate TXCW World TV Championship
[First Round]

1.Match: "Hotstuff" Eddie Gilbert Beat Robbie

2.Match: Arn Anderson Pinned Matt Hardy

3.Match: Brian Adams Defeated Phieas Godwind

4.Match: Michael "PS" Hayes Pinned Jerry "The King" Lawler

[Second Round Matches]

5 Match: Arn Anderson Defeated Eddie Gilbert

6. Match: Crush Beat Michael Hayes

[Final Round ]

7 Match: Arn Anderson Beat Crush To Winner The Vacate TXCW World TV Champion

"New" TXCW World TV Champion Arn Anderson

Non Tournament Matches

8 Match: TXCW "Unfied" Female Champion  Melina Beat Layla

9 Match: AWA Britsih Empire Champion "King" Paul Bischill Beat Big Show

10 Match: Lance Cade & Travis Murdoch Beat Edge & Chritsan

11 Match: Sabu Defeated TXCW Heavyweight Champion Tim Storm When Mike Foxx & Bryon Wilcox Interfield The Match
"New" TXCW Heavyweight Champion Sabu

12 Match: TXCW World Tag Team Champion  Dean Makeino & Brian Pillman Beat Vader & Kane By Revise Decison

13 Match: TXCW "Unfied" World Heavyweight Champion  Triple H Beat Cactus Jack  After The Match: Samoa Joe Tried Cash In His Suit Still Iron Sheik Cut Him Off 

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